Corporate Health

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Corporate Health Services

At Emerald Hills Medical Centre, we partner with our clients to provide best health solutions for your staff.

General Health Check-ups

A regular General Health Assessments assist your organisation to have a detailed understating of the health of your workforce and encourage your them to better look after their health.

Pre-Employment Health Check

Emerald Hills Medical Centre is currently partnering with many businesses in the Macarthur region to help them for Pre-Employment Medicals.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

If you are conducting a business that has requirement of having compulsory drug and alcohol testing, we can certainly help you.

Injury Management

In case of any injury, your worker will have quick access to a doctor to receive appropriate medical treatment.

Workplace Vaccinations

Immunizations are the best preventive approach to health problem and recommended for adults depending on their age, type of work and occupation, for travel and in the case of injury.

RailCorp Health Assessment

Emeral Hills Medical Centre is able to perform Rail Medicals and issue a Rail Medical Certificate.

Sports Related Injury Management

If an injury happens while you are performing any sport or doing work-out in a gym our experienced team can help you.

Audiometry Testing

If you are hiring workers who will be working in a noisy environment, as a part of pre-employment heath checks, we can help your company to have hearing screening to recruit right staff.

Return to Work Plan

After a work-related injury, it is always worrying for a worker as well as for the company to find suitable duties to avoid any further health issues.

Stress Management and Psychological Services

Poor work environment, a tragic event, work pressure, chronic disease, workplace bullying, and violence are the some of the main causes of psychological injury to workers.

Commercial Drivers Medical

Our doctors conduct the commercial vehicle driver medicals to assess health issues that may affect a driver’s ability to drive safely.

ECG and Spirometry Testing

Any industry where workers may inhale small particles/fumes need regular spirometry test.

Skin Screening

Our doctors can help your company to conduct a detail skin check and assessment for your team.

Ear Cleaning

Our doctors, at Emerald Hills Medical Centre, also do ear cleaning and wax removal for your workers who work in dusty conditions.

Executive Health Check-ups

A regular General Health Assessments assist your organisation to have a detailed understating of the health of your workforce and encourage your them to better look after their health.

"Health is the most important thing you have in life!"

Take the first step towards optimal health.